May Sarah
Graphic Designer – Print & Non-Print – more than 15 years of experience and passion :-)


Sobre May Sarah

I’ve grown up with QuarkXPress and grew into Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Acrobat Professional. Office suites (MS, Open Office, Libre Office) are playgrounds as well.

After starting with WYSIWYG editors (Dreamweaver, Adobe Golive) I finally ended up with plain text or HTML editors like Brackets or Aptana to produce clean and valid HTML and CSS code.
I became friends with Joomla! and Django and enjoyed the endless possibilies of the content management systems. I ended up with Redaxo and Typo3 a couple of times and got to know them a wee bit.
Coding newsletters is no news to me wether sending them via MS Outlook, MailChimp or XactTarget.
The possibilities of dynamic individualizable print products via XMPie and the shop system uStore/uProduce left me stunned and I’m fascinated each day putting up new items.

Fluent in German (native speaker) and English, basics in Italian and Polish


Graphic Designer – Print & Non-Print – more than 15 years of experience and passion :-)
Dirección May Sarah
D-63546 Hammersbach
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