Archana Gattupalli
Video Cutter


Sobre Archana Gattupalli

I am Archana Anand GATTUPALLI.

  • I would like to introduce myself giving you some insight about my Professional experience and my career aspirations.
  • By profession, I am a Video Editor specialized in Final Cut Pro. I worked in the Indian Regional Film Industry for the last 8 years. (Mostly as a Subcontractor / Freelancer). I had the opportunity to work in a variety of productions like Feature films, Television Shows, Series, News desk and also Events (Music, Weddings etc.). These included a lot travel too, as I functioned also as an Online Editor and Data Manager.
  • I grew up in India watching lot of“Bollywood” with lots of color and dance! Eventually I fell in love with Cinema. In spite of doing my education in Commerce, I decided to pursue a career in Media and Entertainment. That’s when I got myself trained in 3D Animation and Video Editing Software. I learned both Avid and Final Cut Pro, but always worked on FCP later.
  • Last year I moved to Germany to pursue my“Private” Career of living with my life partner! I invested the 1st year in social integration and learning the German language (Currently doing my B2) as I feel it is very important to associate with the local environment, if one has to be successful in the Entertainment field.
  • My main interest is in the Editing department, but at the same time, I am open to other Areas of Film Production (Data Management, Camera Assistance, Production assistance etc.) and Full time / Part Time engagement.
  • Hope you find my experience suitable for any of your requirments


Video Cutter
Dirección Archana Gattupalli
D-65812 Bad soden am Taunus
Persona de contacto Archana Gattupalli
Contacto Formulario de contacto
Dirección del perfil
Teléfono +4915901010470