Brandwatch Stuttgart
Entwickler der Social Media Monitoring und Analyse – Webapplikation: Brandwatch.

Brandwatch Stuttgart

Sobre Brandwatch Stuttgart

Einer der führenden Entwickler von Webmonitoring- und Social Media Monitoring Lösungen. Die User-Interface-Abteilung von Brandwatch soll hier im neuen Deutschlandbüro in Stuttgart weiter ausgebaut werde!

Über Brandwatch allgemein:

Brandwatch was born of a project in 2004 to build a web crawler for the UK Government. Once the project was completed, we realised we could turn this promising technology into a much larger opportunity.

With the backing of Business Angels and Venture Capital, we hired the best and brightest PhDs in the field, used the latest techniques in Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing, and after two years of development launched the first version of Brandwatch.

Now in version 4, Brandwatch is one the world’s leading tools for monitoring and capturing social media. We successfully service customers all across the globe from FTSE 100 companies to SMEs, helping them discover, understand and respond to the comments made about them by users across all forms of social media.


Entwickler der Social Media Monitoring und Analyse – Webapplikation: Brandwatch.
Dirección Brandwatch Stuttgart

D-70174 Stuttgart
Persona de contacto Julius Dietz
Contacto Formulario de contacto
Dirección del perfil

Red de Brandwatch Stuttgart

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