Christine Neigenfind
Freelance 2D Artist

  • Titulación superior Bachelor of Arts
  • Empleado desde 2014
  • Ámbito

Sobre Christine Neigenfind

  • Education

Oct 2010 – Sep 2014
University of Applied Science Berlin (HTW Berlin)
Bachelor of Arts (Game Design)

  • Experience

May 2014 – present
Freelancer,“2P Labs UG”
Project:“Turtle Game -Mobile Game for iOS/Android”
Responsible for Illustration, Concept Art, Character Design, Environment Design, Interface Design, Animation

Mar 2014 – present
Freelancer,“Tivola Publishing GmbH”
Project:“LabRATory”,“Marketing Graphics”
Responsible for Illustration, Concept Art

Mar 2014
Freelancer,“SOLID Information Management UG”
Project:“Pocket Prof – Learn App for iOS”
Responsible for Illustration, Interface Design, Character Design

Aug 2013 – Dec 2013
Junior Artist“Bubo Games”
Projects:“LabRATory – Action Puzzle Game for iOS/Android”
“Swarm-ee – Mobile Game for iOS”,
Customer: ESA (European Space Agency)
Responsible for Animation, Concept Art, Illustration, Interface Design

  • Internship

Apr 2013 – Aug 2013
Internship Bubo Games
Responsible for Animation, Illustration

Oct 2008 – Jan 2009
Internship Goodfable Storytelling Games
“AJABU – Das Vermächtnis der Ahnen”
Responsible for Animation, Illustration

  • Certificate

July 2007 – Aug 2007
Design Camp
Media Design Hochschule Berlin


Freelance 2D Artist
Dirección Christine Neigenfind
D-13053 Berlin
Persona de contacto Christine Neigenfind
Contacto Formulario de contacto
Dirección del perfil
09-01-2015 (actualizado )

Red de Christine Neigenfind

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