Edward Moss Photography
Birmingham based freelance commercial location photographer


Sobre Edward Moss Photography

I am a Birmingham based freelance photographer specialising in photography on location in the West Midlands and across the UK.
I undertake all types of photography assignments including portraits, PR, editorial, commercial, food and architecture.

Each year I donate a percentage of my turnover to carbon offset projects in order to help reduce my carbon footprint


Birmingham based freelance commercial location photographer
Dirección Edward Moss Photography
Oaklands Avenue
Birmingham B17 9TU
Reino Unido e Irlanda del Norte
Persona de contacto Edward Moss
Contacto Formulario de contacto
Dirección del perfil
Web www.edwardmoss.co.uk
Teléfono 0121 4265201
Fax 0121 4265201
Móvil 07766250970

Red de Edward Moss Photography

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