Werkschau Wandmalerei Elena Wuest
Elena Wuest

  • 20 qm. Acryl 2021
  • 18 Qm Acryl auf Beton 2020
  • 3 qm. Acryl, Schutzlack 2018
  • 2 qm. Acryl 2015
  • 12 qm. Acryl 2020
  • 40 qm. Acryl 2017
  • Fassadenmalerei 30 Qm. Sprühlack 2017
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„Elena Wüst is one of the contemporary artists living in Berlin. Her inspiration of comercial is paintings on inhouse Walls and public rooms. The large format pictures are artisanal and colorful. They bring nature into rooms. Impressive and beautiful customers say about the works. Transform your home with a touch of nature and luxury.“

20 qm. Acryl 2021
18 Qm Acryl auf Beton 2020
3 qm. Acryl, Schutzlack 2018
2 qm. Acryl 2015
12 qm. Acryl 2020
40 qm. Acryl 2017
Fassadenmalerei 30 Qm. Sprühlack 2017