Type Generator
Gerry Keane

  • typegenerator.net web screen shot featuring logo design
  • Experimentation in type design from typegenerator.net
  • typegenerator.net web screen shot
  • typegenerator.net web screen shot
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The Type Generator Website showcases existing and new experimental typefaces. An educational and informative website. Winner of the IDI graduate award. The website also contains flash videos that portray experimentation in type design, illustrations of type designers and type products.

typegenerator.net web screen shot featuring logo design
Gerry Keane 2010
Experimentation in type design from typegenerator.net
Gerry Keane 2010
typegenerator.net web screen shot
Gerry Keane 2010
typegenerator.net web screen shot
Gerry Keane 2010