Best communication projects always start from a solid base. A strategic approach comes before everything. A logo is not a brand. Unless it’s on a cow, as Sean Adams said. Communicating with personality — are you a bold type? — is better than doing things like everybody already does. (Story) doing is better than (story) telling. And things like these :)
There’s already so much communication noise out there. We don’t need some more.
This is why I design visual communication projects that stand for something and help to stand out.
They make and convey sense.
Connecting the dots is my motto.
That’s all.
Creator of “Epilepsy? Cut it out!”, a fundraising and communication campaign on surgery for epilepsy.
Co-organizer of Kerning Conference, an international conference on typography that takes place every year in Faenza. Could a type enthusiast miss such an opportunity? No!
Creator of “Letterpress is better”. Because letterpress is still alive and makes a great impression.
Creator of T(ype)Shirt, a line of t-shirts dedicated to type.
- Online I’m ilpiac.
“What matters in this life is not what we do but what we do for others, the legacy we leave and the imprint we make.” — Eric Meyer
“Listen more, talk less and be decisive when the times come.” — Satya Nadella