Lorenzo Yori
Filmmaker/ UX research/

Lorenzo Yori

Sobre Lorenzo Yori

Telling stories is my passion.
I develop concepts through different kinds of arts (film, photography, design, data) by conducting deep research and user interaction. I translate user’s insights to my audience so they can clearly understand the user’s world and design a better solution for their experience on digital platforms.

  • 2019−2021 Alicorp (Ux research / Storyteller)

I applied research in Digital Transformation projects, including B2B, shrimp farming in Ecuador (Nicovita brand), sales force mergers in Bolivian companies, and the Katu market e-commerce, which generated €2.2 million in its first year. I led UX research and collaborated with the UI and business teams to design user-centered products, applying a human-centered approach during ideation and development. Additionally, I was responsible for communicating project processes and achievements across the company by creating and editing audiovisual material.

  • 2018 Ux research Consultant
  • Health Insurance project / Client: RIMAC

I employed discovery research methodologies in the Wawathani project to enhance healthcare access for disadvantaged mothers with young children. Working with a multidisciplinary team, we gathered insights to build user personas and defined fast prototypes with integrated solution concepts. We focused on connecting doctors, healthcare, and related stakeholders. I led the visual storytelling, editing a use case video that captured the entire research process, interviews, and insights.

  • Fish Industry Project / Client: Tasa

I conducted discovery research at Tasa, Breca’s fishing company, to analyze and address issues with worker perception and the reliability of the recommendation system. I facilitated workshops aimed at enhancing communication and improving workers’ mindsets. These efforts were focused on ensuring consistent quality in the final product, fishmeal.


Filmmaker/ UX research/
Dirección Lorenzo Yori

D-12101 Berlin
Persona de contacto Lorenzo Yori
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09-02-2024 (actualizado )

Red de Lorenzo Yori

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