Luna Nane – Selected Works
Luna Nane

  • Archive Dreaming by Refik Anadol, Image Cloud with 1,5 Mio images freely explorabel in the interactive exhibition.
  • Archive Dreaming by Refik Anadol
  • Disney Concert Hall Exhibition – WDCH Dreams by Refik Anadol – Audio Cloud
  • Disney Concert Hall – WDCH Dreams by Refik Anadol – Inside the Image Cloud
  • Disney Hall – WDCH Dreams by Refik Anadol – Image Cloud
  • Explore the Ocean – Exhibit by Science Communication Lab – Earth Rendering with Wind and Ocean Currents
  • Marine Microbiology – Interactive Scientific Poster for Max Plank Institut Bremen by Science Communication Lab
  • Global Wind Patterns Data Artwork by Luna Nane
  • ATLAS Data Visualization and Audio Visual Installation – by Luna Nane
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Selected Works by Luna Nane.

I wanted to publish here a short fraction of my portfolio as an freelancer and artist in the field of interactive art, data-visualization and visual design.
Detailed information about the project can be looked up on my page or on my clients pages.

1. Archive Dreaming, commissioned by Refik Anadol Studios, 2017 – 2019
2. WDCH Dreams, Disney Concert Hall LA, commissioned by Refik Anadol Studios, 2018
3. Explore the Ocean, commissioned by Science Communication Lab, 2019
4. Marine Microbiology, commissioned by Science Communication Lab, 2018
5. Global Wind Patterns Data Paintings by Luna Nane
6. ATLAS Data Visualization and Audio Visual Installation by Luna Nane

Archive Dreaming by Refik Anadol, Image Cloud with 1,5 Mio images freely explorabel in the interactive exhibition.
Archive Dreaming by Refik Anadol
Disney Concert Hall Exhibition – WDCH Dreams by Refik Anadol – Audio Cloud
Disney Concert Hall – WDCH Dreams by Refik Anadol – Inside the Image Cloud
Disney Hall – WDCH Dreams by Refik Anadol – Image Cloud
Explore the Ocean – Exhibit by Science Communication Lab – Earth Rendering with Wind and Ocean Currents
Marine Microbiology – Interactive Scientific Poster for Max Plank Institut Bremen by Science Communication Lab
Global Wind Patterns Data Artwork by Luna Nane
ATLAS Data Visualization and Audio Visual Installation – by Luna Nane