Mark Hetterich
innovative Produktentwicklung in Verbindung mit ästhetischem Produktdesign

Mark Hetterich
  • Titulación superior Diplom Industriedesigner
  • Empleado desde 2003
  • Ámbito

Muestra de trabajo

Sobre Mark Hetterich

Design is like a pleasant conversation, something that makes everybodysmile or a heated discussion. Products speak to us. They tell a story. At Hetterich Product Design, we believe that every product deserves an identity that differentiates itself from the masses. We create products and ideas for our clients that communicate, trigger and inspire. Ideas and products that work, because they address your target group with emotional value and functional use. A brand is the promise which the product has to keep and in this way, we help you become a better company. Seeing my designs hitting the market and reaching the people is a thrill hard to describe. If people choose my design over the flood of other competing products, I know I did my work right and that my passion led me to the right career path. If I can help my clients in the process and earn a living too, I believe I can lead a fulfilled life doing what I love.


innovative Produktentwicklung in Verbindung mit ästhetischem Produktdesign
Dirección Mark Hetterich

D-67098 Bad Dürkheim
Persona de contacto Mark Hetterich
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Dirección del perfil
25-06-2012 (actualizado )

Red de Mark Hetterich

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