Material Stories
Material Stories supports organizations with materials research, material driven design methods and strategic thinking.

Material Stories

Sobre Material Stories

We support the right choice of materials at the early stage of the design process. We foster tutoring on materials and trends, share updated publications, and grow a collection of the most remarkable materials from around the world.

We support all sorts of organizations — companies, designers and non-designers, curators and educators — with materials research, material driven design methods and strategic thinking.


Material Stories supports organizations with materials research, material driven design methods and strategic thinking.
Dirección Material Stories

D-20259 Hamburg
Persona de contacto Aart van Bezooijen
Contacto Formulario de contacto
Dirección del perfil
26-02-2008 (actualizado )

Red de Material Stories

Kathrin Funke Kathrin Funke
Von der Idee zum Produkt
Hamburgo (Alemania) 14-09-2009