Ridee Sportmarketing UG
Software Entwicklung im Bereich Radsport

Ridee Sportmarketing UG

Sobre Ridee Sportmarketing UG

RIDEE UG is a Ber­lin based startup foun­ded in 2019.
The two foun­ders Bas­tian Mene­ses von Arnim & Wolf Bosse are enthu­si­astic road race cyc­list. Besi­des their care­ers in the adver­ti­sing and media indus­try they both set up a lively cycling com­mu­nity in Ger­many’s capi­tal invol­ving a fm radio sta­tion (FUX RC).
With the ridee app, Bas­tian & Wolf are laun­ching the world’s first match­ma­king app for mem­ber based cycling rides.


Software Entwicklung im Bereich Radsport
Dirección Ridee Sportmarketing UG

D-10115 Berlin
Persona de contacto Wolf Bosse
Contacto Formulario de contacto
Dirección del perfil
Web ridee.cc

Red de Ridee Sportmarketing UG

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