Sara Vaz
Designer (Product & Interior)

Sara Vaz

Muestra de trabajo

Sobre Sara Vaz

Hi there! I’m Sara Vaz

I was born in Köln but most of my life I lived in Lisbon Portugal, now I’m back to the origin as a designer, thinker and painter.

I graduated in Product and Interior Design in the University of Humanities and Technology Lusófona in Lisbon 2009. Most of my work is inspired by Nature, another big passion that I also have, something that I like to call as my love for “Organic Design”.

I like to reduce each object to his essential elements, not only in his forms but also in what he is made off. I’m just a passionate person for Creativity opened to new challenges and new opportunities.

So…feel free to contact me for new business propositions or just to say hello.


Designer (Product & Interior)
Dirección Sara Vaz

D-51065 Köln
Persona de contacto Sara Vaz
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Red de Sara Vaz

Nuno Silva Nuno Silva
Colonia (Alemania) 01-11-2012