Svetlana Hofmann

  • Titulación superior Bachelor of Science
  • Ámbito

Sobre Svetlana Hofmann

Since 17 years my private and professional life has been revolving around the topics of dance, composition and imagery. During my education as a stage dancer, I was already very interested in the challenge of capturing what happened on stage with visual media; finding the right approach on documenting the essence of the performance and the atmosphere in the room. I explored first private film projects and soon found an interest in acquiring the skills to master camera and post production software.
In 2018, with a finished degree in stage dance, I decided to change perspective and started an education as a filmeditor. Since then I have been working as a freelancer on a variety of different projects, from dance over documentary to image clips for brand awareness and social media engagement.
Two years ago I joined Cine+ to deepen my understanding of large scale productions with a focus on color grading.
This year I had the opportunity to work at Kontist for three months. I was responsible for the whole Video – and postproduction for their YouTube Channel.
Now I’m looking to join a company where I can apply my skills around one single product and mission, as I feel most engaged when being part of a production from the first idea on the whiteboard to the finished product.


Editing software:
Advanced / professional:
Adobe Premiere Pro

Davinci Resolve
Adobe After Effects
Avid Media Composer

Sony FS7, Sony A7 SII, Sony A7 SIII, variety of SLR cameras
Blackmagic Minipanel

German (native), English (very good), Russian (basic)


Kontist / Video Editor
March 2022 – June 2022, BERLIN

Working in post production for the Kontist YouTube Channel.
Camera, Sound, Light
Cut, Sound, Color Grading, Animations
Recording and Post Production with Green Screen
Upload (Thumbnails, Embedding) on YouTube
Unfortunately the company had to downscale in June and ⅓ of the company were laid off, including myself as a very recent joiner.

Cine+ / Dailies Color Grading, Editing
January 2020 – December 2021, BERLIN

Working in post production for large scale TV and cinema productions.
Color grading with close collaboration of on-set DOPs and editors
Editing of Imageclips from raw material to finished product
Interfacing with clients and Project Managers to gather requirements and incorporate feedback
Responsible for Quality checks and data storage of daily material

Freelance / Filmeditor
May 2018 – ongoing, BERLIN
After finishing my education as a film editor I worked on a variety of different projects including interviews, documentary shorts and social media image clips (see project section and portfolio for more detail).


WAVE AKADEMIE / Filmeditor
May 2018 – May 2019, BERLIN
Editing, Motion Design, Color Grading, Script, Dramaturgy, Sound, Directing, Light- and Camera.
Working on own projects by analysing, researching, and working within a team to bring the different components on screen.

DIE ETAGE / State approved Contemporary Dancer
November 2013 – November 2016, BERLIN
Next to my daily dance lessons I worked on my own choreographies and staged them in theaters.
Basics in acting, acrobatics and pantomime.
Technical and organisational work in different theaters.

HUMBOLDT UNIVERSITÄT ZU BERLIN / Biology (Bachelor of Science)
September 2009 – April 2014, BERLIN


Night companion
10min short film / graduation piece
From script over casting, set management to camera, post production and sound design this was probably one of the most exhausting but also most fun pieces I did so far. We shot the whole material over two nights in the Berlin hotel“Weinmeister”.

Interviews / Image films
(e.g. Claneo GmbH, Weinmeister Hotel, BAföG, Falling Walls, i14yLab)
Image films, Interviews and social media clips with focus on company culture to raise brand awareness and applicant engagement.

Social media clips
(e.g. 19th Berlinale)
Interviews (camera & scripts) with organisers of the event for social media content.

Variety of short documentaries
(see portfolio)
I did a variety of brief portraits on different artists, some of which I worked with in my career as a dancer. The interview-script, camera and montage I chose, all focus on capturing the personality and passion of the portrayed individual.

Variety of dance clips
(see portfolio)
With dance being a personal passion of mine, I worked on a variety of short clips with friends and colleagues to experiment with movement, montage, music and motion effects.


Dirección Svetlana Hofmann
D-10317 Berlin
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