SPOT Professional LightserviceLocalizacionesAudiovisual Professional Lightservice, Studios and Digital Camera Rent – 24/7 Rent all over Spain, Portugal and the South of France 07011 Palma de Mallorca 28-07-2008 (actualizado 21-04-2009)
Alberto DiazEventosTodo sobre fotografíaModa y bellezaNaturalezas muertas / productoAudiovisualPublicidad Camera operator and a photographer on freelance basics PhotoshopAdobe Creative SuitePremiere ProAfter EffectsVideoCinematographyFilmingHTML5 20110 Pasaia 01-02-2016
María SimónRetratoNaturalezas muertas / productoReportajes Photographer and Digital Retoucher PhotoshopBildbearbeitungLightroomCamera RawPhotographyStill LifeDigital PhotographyCapture One 47010 Valladolid 22-08-2017