Wellteam – workplace wellness platform | UX/UI
Bronwyn Sherman

  • Perspective join
  • Hero winner (1)
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UX researcher & designer | UI designer

Product objective: To offer busy, workplace users a centralized, secure portal to access personal & team, holistic wellness resources & management & improve work-life balance.

Conduct & analyse UX research and deploy insights to conceptualize and design 3 features of the product in an initial UX design sprint. Polish the features for handoff with UI interface, interaction design & product branding.

In tackling this project, product design needed to assist busy workplace users with:

  • Maintaining work-life balance & holistic health – including incentivising rest, me-time, etc.
  • An inclusive, holistic approach so that no-one is left behind.
  • Personalized resources & the right amount of active choice for users.
  • Solo & social motivators for different personas to find value engaging.
  • Goal & data tracking that also values balance, progress, accountability & feeling well.
  • Privacy assurances on a team platform, without losing centralized management of both.
Perspective join
Hero winner (1)